NEXT BBQ??Anyone? anyone? lol...i've been longing for our next BBQ Gathering.... ok this time how bout we do steamboat? d pantai? shud be fun.... either d hutan simpan brakas or just d pantai tutong arah jalan pengasing...more privacy... anything pls propose a date....We need more photos lol..after all leejah already habis im sure u r free now rite jah?
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Scrapbooking 9 - GFs

This is what i did while waiting to watch the AF show n Premiere league (Man utd lost to Chelsea...sighhh.... i kno sunshine is smiling... :P i think the jersey gave u luck :P)
Updated by;
M.f.f (The Turtle Addict)
More LOs & Stuffs...
M.f.f in action...April's Kits From ShabbyChic & BalQis'
More Scrapbooking LOs
My CS3's LO of KK Trip Scrap-page
Scrapbooking 7- Pockyliciousz
Scrapbooking 8 - Housemates
Okay readers...these are jus few stuffs i could upload for now... Quite a tiring day but yeah i had great friday goin out wt Bibie & Lulu... Everything worked as planned :o).. We went to Jeeds & Sarah Dee's Homeshop... Bibie...haha as predicted will be the shoppaholic of the day... well... that's what u r rite bie...hehe..but yeah it's a worth bargain....and after all they are all for her "hantaran" so i have no objection for that... :o) Bie! I really love that supermodel bag.... bah suruh didi simpan! :P~ As for me.... i have my Lush Orchid Tote for just $10 thanks to Sarah Dee (ehemss...not to mention ur real name here...+ i love the name Sarah Dee....more commercial..hehe) & i simply love my BBW Japanese blossoms.... ill put it on myself that everyone would notice how sweet i smell... ;o) Fingers-crossed! haha...but im pretty confident about it...or else id just promo it to them :P~ hint-hint! Discount for future visit ah... :P~
Updated by;
M.f.f (Turtle Addict)
Shopping CRAZY later?Not applicable to me lah...:P It's to Bibie! hehe....
We're going to Jeeds & Sarah Dee's home-shopping store~! :o) And i've already booked the Orchid Tote! ;o) Then we're going to watch Over My Dead Body or LOVE kali... so we'll see later..we havent booked for the seats yet.... but im sure inda ramai since org kapih ni hahha....
Laporan Daripada: <--haha standard ah!
My new LOs Not done yet....
Okay girls... i kno scrapbooking can be a little expensive hobby...but if u wanna save ur are some tips... just like the old times... scrapbooking should actually start from recycle stuffs.....

* Buttons set can be a little expensive but if u notice, my buttons here are all hand-made buttongs.... i drew it on the thick hand-made paper, apply color and also metallic pen to highlight. cool kan? hehe.... u can make it urself too... or else im gonna make more of these soon and we can trade stuffs if u wish ;o) (inda mau rugi bah...... barter trade system.... :P)
* Lace from your old dresses haha..but that's not old lace ah.... it was meant for my new kain tp ended up using it for my scrapbooking activity.
* Paper clips from Bismi or Mubarak are more cheap and if u dun like it gold, u can paint it using poster color paint.... as well as the Brads....

* Wrapping papers are much more cheaper than those expensive paper specially made for scrapbooking.... ;o)
M.f.f (The Turtle Addict)
It has been awhile since I updated this a request from Mimi, finally, i have updated it..hehehe..we did a 'minor shopping' after our afternoon drinks..hehehe thanks for introducing me to the 'brads' it looks really cool..i have used some in the last piece which is still in progress.

Me & My other half ;p

Atish, my closest colleague's daughter (I'm proud of this piece!!)

Chester & Charlton, Penny's precious babies & for the 1st time, I've given my piece to someone..It's ok, it's totally worthed!

Siti, one of my nicest colleagues ( Front)

Siti & Nazmi 'Majlis Bersanding' (Back)'

A simple one...

I tried using a new technique here, i used oil pastels has nice effect but this peace is still W.I.P..(work in progress)
Posted by;
Bibie (The Shoppaholic a.k.a Heart Addict)
Scrapbooking, Friday, 18th April 2008
Bad internet connection can be very frustrating and annoying...i was very mad i swore (luruska?) the whole nite...and the only thing that soothes my anger towards TELBRU (haha wake up TELBRU people! Are u reading this? yes im mad!!! very very mad...Paying $88 monthly is not worthed with such a bad connection which kept on disconnecting every few minutes...WTF???)...back to my current soothing therapy (other than my all times hobby of CS3-ing)... Scrapbooking .... and this is the product of my bad mood day!...haha doesnt even look like i was in anger....
"My Bestfriend, My Travelling Partner 2006"
posted by;
M.f.f (The Turtle Addict)
More Graphic CS3 works
I remember Bibie was asking me to design her wedding invitation card. These are just two examples of contemporary designs. I'll design more examples in the future k bie... :o)
My little nephew Aqil Al-Muallim:
Posted by M.f.f (The Turtle Addict)
Another CS3 Artwork :o)
Told so much in love wt CS3....always crazy for the brushes created by those talented designers...
It's never enough;
M.f.f (The Turtle Addict)