Friday, May 30, 2008
Heyyyyyyyyyyy we're finally in KK!
Esok tah kami tired now kan tdur
updated by;
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Online Challenges!I've been browsing for more challenges for scrappers! And below are one of my favorite challenges i mite be joining soon (lets hope i have enough time for all these lol!)
This Challenge topic is
For the love of HeidiThis challenge is created by Christine from the challenge blog
TallyScrapperThis challenge is all about Heidi Swapp.For this challenge Christine want us to create a layout using the title pictured. This layout must be about us though. It MUST use Heidi Swapp paper. For more info please browse the blogsite TallyScrapper (look out for the link above or at the scrappaholic links!)Challenge #38 - Perfect Day (by ScrappingTheMusic )
Their challenge want us to show one of our perfect day! It should be fun for this one too! Bah babehs! Try your luck! hehe.... Im truly inspired by our fellow scrappermate Anna since she has been joining lots of challenges n managed to get thru to the 16 finalist from the Scrap-n-crop challenge! Siok ah! :P And thanks to our dearest Balkis for the encouragement :P!! can't wait to get my stuff today! HEAVEN!!!! updated by;M.f.f (The turtle Addict) - Still waiting for the Gossip girl 2nd season!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Yes! Im finally giving it a try...entering my lo for the challenge 15 by ScrapMojo. For this challenge, they want us to scrap anything to do with fashion. So here it is... not that good but....just like balkis suggested.... try joining the challenge's fun after all! I enjoyed doin this lo... haha abis bah magazine ku koyak2 :o)
+ my room's messy! :P
btw...since i dunno wats wrong wt my editing tools's invisible...heee inda ku ingat cana setting balik just feel free to view the direct link to my LO :o)
FASHIONISTAU kno u love me!
M.f.f (Turtle Addict)
Yes! Im finally giving it a try...entering my lo for the challenge 15 by ScrapMojo. For this challenge, they want us to scrap anything to do with fashion. So here it is... not that good but....just like balkis suggested.... try joining the challenge's fun after all! I enjoyed doin this lo... haha abis bah magazine ku koyak2 :o)
+ my room's messy! :P
btw...since i dunno wats wrong wt my editing tools's invisible...heee inda ku ingat cana setting balik just feel free to view the direct link to my LO :o)
FASHIONISTAU kno u love me!
M.f.f (Turtle Addict)
Stuff Im eyeing for!
since im pretty bored at work now... i've been browsing for certain stuff for scrapbooking...hehe...who knows someone can get it for us :P

Ni sewing machine ah! cute! i want!!
Updated by;
M.f.f (The Turtle Addict)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
UpdatesSorry it'has been a while since i last updated and uploaded some pics n los.. due to the inconvenience (laptop breakdown & bad internet connection), i had to postpone my updates. but anyway here i am...trying my best to upload some pics i've promised everyone...Craftworks for Charity SaleYes! Im kindly contributing some of my latest craftworks made during my free hours (home and at work) for the charity sale organized by Jazz --for more information, pls browse --> S.I.CI've created few only..but hopefully will create more craftworks. Im so excited doing this. Well at least, other than just a hobby, im glad this is another reason for my serious commitment to this expensive hobby....for a good cause... y not kan? i hope u babehs join as well. Esoklah we create some more during our scrap session at bibie's ok? meanwhile..let the pics speak for themselves (despite me giving up trying to upload the pics and typed down the captions every now n then...ngaleh ku nyamu brapa sudah draftnya keep on ilang....)Multipurpose craftworks (car hangers/door hangers/bookmarks/wall frames)

& from my very own scrapbook album:

updated by;
M.f.f (turtle addict)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hello babehs..I'm back..hehehe I went to Miri with Shim (our driver ; p), Has (my shopping partner) & Khairul (my FuN Ustaz friend oops..) today..We didn't take any pics together at all hehehe maybe next trip huh? My plan to Miri was with only 3 primary purposes (1) Astro Matters (2) Ribbons at Union (3) Exhange money for KK trip (yes! again..) However, it is SALE period in Miri. So, with the 4-letter word as my distractor..I was a bit distracted hahaha...Shim has tried a few wedding attires for her February 2008 was fun and i was really excited seeing all the beautiful wedding gowns..Khairul has completed all his clothes shopping as well tho' he didn't get any short pants for himself..(he is really choosy when it comes to shopping) wouldn't believe the end, he does have really nice clothes..(makin COOL tah my ustaz friend ni...) ; p ~ hope he doesn't know abt this blog... Has & I as usual, we are shopping partners...spontaneous shopping is our hobby. We even bought the same T-shirt hehehehe....
Here are some pics for you babehs...(Left pic) My Nike Sandals were torn out at Imperial Mall while Krol was shopping for his clothes..I think it can be fixed (so sayang of it..i've been wearing it since my UBD years I think, my sis bought it for me..) so, I've bought myself an EVERLAST slippers (Right pic) The actual price was rm 29.90 but it was only rm 14.95 after 50% discount hehehe woohoo~ WTF? $7 for Everlast????

I wasn't supposed to shop but I couldn't resist myself..LOOK! it's VIDAL SASSOON Duo Ceramic Heat Straigthening's only rm 35.90 i think...good bargain at Watson's..hehehe it compliments my newly bought Panasonic hairdryer..LOL..

RIBBONS....yeay!!! woohoo~

Craft punchers ~ more, more, I want more!

Coloured FOAM ~ for Scrapbooking..It's rm4.90 for 10 so I bought 2 in blue & red while Has bought 2 in orange & yellow..Then, we are going to share so both of us will have 4 coloured foam..Has suggested that these foams can be cut into letters, shapes, etc..COOL!

Miscellaneous items ~ scrappers items..The A4 fancy cards were really cheap..couldn't resist myself..p/s: bought ribbons for Mimi & Azleffa (my friend who is slowly turning into a scrapper@shopaholic)oh well..that was it for my updates...cheers! shopaholic chic
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Quotes Notebook for Scrapping! (Taken from ScrapBookingMemories
“Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.”Corita Kent
“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step”Unknown
“Words are the voice of the heart”Confucius
“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”Franklin Roosevelt
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”Eleanor Roosevelt
“The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.”Ivy Baker Priest
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”Berthold Auerbach
“The life given to us by nature is short, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal” Cicero
“Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn't all a dream?” Ashleigh Brilliant
“May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future.”Author unknown.
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” Angela Schwindt
“Variety is the very spice of life that gives it all it’s flavour”William Cowper
updated by;
M.f.f (The turtle Addict)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Updates! (Finally pics uploaded)Sorry babes, it has been a while since my last updates. Due to the inconveniences (recent laptop breakdown and bad internet connection ,--double-sigh!), i had to postpone everything i wanted to blog about... and im kinda forget some of it. but let's see what i can remember hehe...CHARITY SALE!Yes! Im kindly contributing some of my craftworks i made recently (during my free hours at home n work) for the charity sale organized by Jazz & her co-partner, for more information please browse her blog--> S.I.C This is to help raising fund for the recent Earthquake's victims in china. I'm kind of excited and glad that i can indirectly be a part of it. At least, i think, other than making this scrapbooking as a hobby, it will be another reason for me to seriously involved and doing this expensive hobby for a good cause, as well as promoting people to get to know the beauty of scrapbooking! Y not kan! May be it can be a start for us to do a small business as well..hehe (learnt from the master! haha u kno who u are!) & wait till i got my very own sewing machine! hehe....for my bag-making project! Remember has always been one of my dream! But let's leave it there.... one day! one day! I will! I will!For meanwhile, enjoy viewing the pics of my recent craftworks!multi-purpose craftworks (Car hangers/frames)
"Flower vase"
"Great Memories" Car hanger!
Door Hangers From my scrapbooking album:
aunt's favorite (created this lastnite, 23rd may 2008)updated by;m.f.f (The turtle addict)
Monday, May 19, 2008
IQ TEST!How much do you know your IQ level?
I always loved trying the quiz test in from
TICKLEAnd guess what my IQ score is 122!! :o)This is the comment:
Congratulations, mimi!Your IQ score is 122
This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.checkout yours!
Updates (At last from M.f.f) Hey babes! sorry ah.... at last i managed to do some updates here....The connection at school is also crap!..but of couse...the worst at home. haha jgn harap! not worth it.... as usual....disconnected every few secs.. or if im lucky enuff...few minutes.... and does challenge my patience! I kno one day i will give up! $88 can buy a lot of scrapping stuff includings the tool kits! ehems... ;o)
anyway these were some pics taken since the past few days includings my latest scrapwork..

"Little Alan" - I did this for my friend, Faen's little boy who will be 2yrs old on 21st May 2008.

I promised Bibie i will scrap something special for her. You can hang this thing in your car Bie. hope you will like it. (& No! it's not a pendant :P)
With my little nephew
as for the past pics taken...i will upload later..give up ku...connection here is crap! Will try to go online d eazyway later..bah mau hi-tea later? :P after class...
Updated by;
Friday, May 16, 2008
Alhamdulilah, the weather was fine last night. So, I had my b'day dinner with my fiance @ Charcoal..I tried the Charcoal's Lamb chop and he tried the Australian Sirloin Steak..OMG! It was really juicy..I couldn't finish the, he was the one who 'vacuum' it for me..hehehe.
p/s: I know Am has tried Charcoal's delicacies with her bf..hehehe..I'm not sure about Mimi. Have you tried Charcoal? They have the lunch set which is affordable and the portion is just right...hehehe..when do you want to try?
Here are some pics to share with you babes:
The juicy 'medium done' Lamb Chop & Sirloin Steak
My fiance ~ ready, set & EAT!
Just playing around with my camera..
Another shot...
I don't why I like this shot tho' it is blurry...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I treated my colleagues and friends at work today as it is my birthday...26th Birthday..My 'clan' gave me a present, a RED Guess purse + chocolates ~grrr..i LOVE it! we usually do this routine for every birthdays, newborns, etc...hehehe we collect $$ and buy a present..this actually becomes a also tightens the friendship bond..What really amazed me was the b'day was a scrapbooking+handmade card...Thanks to Has who spent a great amount of time and effort with the card...Really love it..I was really touched...Shim, my good assistant gave me a bookmark..hmm..a reminder for me that I don't really read books/ novels since I've started scrapbooking in March..LOL....Let the pics do the talking:

Tonight, if the weather is not scary, my fiance and I are going to Charcoal to celebrate..hehehe..if the weather is ok...i hope so..amin...oh yeah..tomorrow, we will have another scrapsession + makan session jua..hahaha..w Mimi, Am, Balkis, Anna, Diana and Noor..can't wait to see Anna's latest toys....hahaha...will update soon..cheers and muahhhzzzz....
shopaholic chic
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I decided to do an 8x8 LO despite the lack of 'mojo'as I've bought myself an 8x8 album [it's corduroy & red in colour ;)]at SC (May's Special Promotion)just now..just to share with you babes..a simple one from me..
that's all..cheers! Shopaholic chic
Hello babes..I went to bandar to buy my car's spareparts with my fiance. Then, we surveyed some stuff for 'the room'. After we ate, we went to the Mall, we went separate ways hehehe, he went to arcade to his Tekken DR & I went to SC..ermm...I was just wanting to buy some brads and ended up spending $96 (atleast it was still less than $100).hehehe..LOL.. These are the items that I bought:
until now, got to do some LOs...cheers! muahhz..Shopaholic chic
Finally,i had finished my current LO's
Juz wna share it wit u guys..

till then.. cheers ;))
Labels: scraps.more
BAD MOOD!My morning today started with bad mood. I Was informed by the discipline department about my student involved in a fight with a form 5 student. So i was kinda mad...the moment i entered my class.... i called off (lurus? :P) the girl's name and asked bout it. The reason for the slapping face drama was becoz of "boyfriend"! lol... Honestly i was very mad...(+ lagi wt the recent stress by the stupid telbru i had to give the whole class my last warning.. I've been patient wt all the complaints from the discipline department everytime i entered the room every morning.... Probably this is the first time they really saw me in anger... i smashed on my table and warned them the next time i hear another complain i'll have to throw them out of class and do some community work with no exception! All of them! Well it didn't end there. I had to brainwash another students from other class regarding the art room. So irresponsible...where they left the art room so messy...with all the paints here and there....squeegee unwashed.... and i had to be the AMAH cleaning all the mess yesterday afternoon!!! Gosh! When can these students learn??? Be a little more mature and be more responsible towards their own works! And still..that wasn't just it! During my early morning class, students from the other class lagi buat bising... drumming the table here and there.... producing all the annoying sounds.... i was like!! WTH are they doing over there? Can't they respect that im having my class here!!! So i had to shout right from where i stand .... asking them to shut up! Learn how to respect other class! And still i could here the slight noise... so i had to walk closer and give them last warning... Do i have to attend an anger management course? LOL! I was just doing my part! Being a responsible teacher and expecting the same from the students! (either they're in my class or in other's)!Tell you! it's not easy being a teacher! Owh..sorry i havent uploaded any of my LOs i did last friday.... busy wt worksheets and me being sick ani lagi.... i'll upload anytime soon okay (fingers-crossed!)updated by;M.f.f (The turtle Addict)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Last week was a bit hectic for schedule was killing me...I can't wait for my trip to KK..atleast a change of environment..a de~stressing trip for Bain, Mimi & PMV students had their convocation last wednesday 7th May 2008. I did a 'poster' for the noticeboard..a simple, formal one..
We had a scrapsession again at Balkis last friday 9th May 2008..I started on Mateen's mini-album (my friend's son)..I'm satisfied with the outcome..Then, I did a few LO's on Mateen but it is not finished yet..Hopefully, I can get it done before 8th June 2008.hehehe...
Took this with my was upside down when i uploaded it.hehehe
I have ordered a Lettering Book from Scholastic, has stencils..can't wait for them to arrive & i ask my friend to buy me 8 in 1 decorating scissors..hehehe the final many scissors do I actually need..well~ I can't resist..daa~
Before going to Balkis, I went to Jazz and do my shopping as always...erm..spend quite a lot again..($100++).Here are some stuff that I bought..After that, we went to Shabby Chic and bought papers WE, I meant Mimi & I..hehehe We better stop buying stuff eh...*fingers-crossed*..
Oh yeah..Nani was the 1st person to give my b'day present..a scrapbook album from Innerspace..I LOVE IT!!..nice!!
It was beautifully wrapped...I was so 'sayang' to open it..LOL
The Present...(sorry, upside down..don't know what's wrong with the pic) hehehe.Thanks to Nani & Jai...
Ok, until here..cheers!
Lots of Love,
shopaholic chic