Stage Deco & Saturday Nite Performance ( & Special guest performance of JACKO )Hey.... as im posting some of the pics taken during the Saturday Nite Show organized by our school n SMMHT last 26th July 2008 and proudly presented my Stage Deco which was done in 1 whole day,.....very tiring indeed but im fully satisfied wt the outcomes.... with just a low budget...i managed to come up wt something everyone can be satisfied of....and i would like to thanks to some of my students who helped me with the stapling here and there....cutting this and that.... so n so..... thank u....
Performance by SMSB girls "Cicak"
Performances by SMMHT's students ..
i have to admit they performed better than the big applaus to the boys...salute!
They won the group category! Congratz! i love their voices too...
Part of the Dance Fever
& proudly present our famous JACKO and his dancers from AJ DANCERS!
p/s: to Jacko..i still remember when u were practising for the moonwalk while waiting for our check-in time in labuan airport...years ago...haha.... and look at what u have become now....the famous JACKO!
FYI: For those who r interested to invite him and his dancers to perform for a private function, you may leave us a message via comment and i will inform him. Owh btw..they have had performed for several occasions already with such a good remind u.... They dont perform for free.... :o) except for our previous nite was a surprise appearance by him n the dancers so we didnt kno anything about the performance....thanks to him for such a fantastic show...he surely brought more crowd that nite.... everyone stayed till the end of the show! Congratz Jacko!
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STM Challenge #46 - MAGICHere's my take on STM Challenge #46 - Magic...again im late for the submission..but i still wanna share my lo wt every1.....

For more details on the lo..pls visit my personal blog @
MoJo's Attack!Yeah! We're one of the Kreativ Blogger. Thanks to Alin for kindly nominating and awarding us as one of the kreativ blogger. It does make us feel like someone's really looking and appreciating our creativities. And yeah....for sharing with us as well.... it's such a pleasure...Eversince this scrappin really brings us closer to other scrappers around the world....hugs....
Now here's the rule, so dearest scrapper check this out:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 6 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees...
and here's my chosen ones:
and back to my story... I'm finally done with my big task yesterday... wt the stage was definitely one tiring day. I worked on it from 9am and only finished around 4pm with the final touch up.... Everything was done in one day.... i was a bit worried that my design wudnt fit well cuz i didnt know how big the stage was....and it was really big for the design...and i had to do some add ons that day... and with just a smaller budget of $50 for that big stage...i had to make use of the stuff i bought which i thought wud be useful for the deco...and thank god with the help of few of my students....they understood what i wanted them to do...and we finally got it done by 4+pm... i will post the pics of the stage deco tomorrow and as well as my latest LOs of STM's challenge and Artz de scrap project....yeay... finally...... i can concentrate on my next's a surprise....'s my take on the scrapbooking quiz which i took from Vivslink 
You are STICKERS!You like brightening things up in life and decorating your living space with your own personal style. You are versatile and able to get things done with a stick-to-it attitude. People love your colorful personality and personal flair! You like exploring new things and are willing to try anything once. But Stickers beware - sometimes you like to stick to someone that you like a little too much and take them into your confidence a little too easily. Your personality tends to make you a steadfast friend, but make sure the friends you choose are worth your efforts! <-- which i think is true...since i've recently felt really annoyed of one person whom i thought was really a friend...but well...since it's kinda personal...and most of my Shebabes' friends know about it already.... let's the story stay safe wt's not good talkin the bad thing about someone eventho THAT person has been acting so bad.....let's leave that to the ONE to decide and do the job.....for the time being...i rather not hate That person...but keeping myself a distant is safer.....i believe in karma... and i believe in GOD.
CHALLENGE NO.46 -- MAGICThis is my take for STM challenge
Labels: scrapping.challenge
Dear gentle reader, hehehe, in my personal blog's post, I talked abt the famous 'Sotong Tutuk' at Tutong's Perayaan. Got the chance to go there just now with Mimi. Yes, we were early and still wearing our work attire. Well~ That's what you called cravings! Yes! we still need to wait as they were people who were early as well. The pics are for your future reference. Just want to share this info with The Babehs's readers.
Till here. Cheers. Mwahz.
Signing off with LOVE,
Scrapping The Music Challenge #45 - Girls in Summer ClothesHere's my take on this challenge..i kno im quite late for the submission..but anyway i still wanna share my lo...
One-Little word Challege #31 - IF

for more details on the both LOs pls feel free to visit my personal blog HERE
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STARBUCKS' Closing Down!

(Taken from
Hey babehs.... have u read about the news on Yahoo n MSN news about the closing down of 600 Starbucks stores. The closure list been revealed on msn check it out..but not to worry... malaysia, indonesia's still survive. So before it happen, better buy some of the products for our collection in the future.... haha which i havent..... so this comin trip to KL...pls remind me to buy at least one bie ah...hehe.....
For more news on it please click HERE
and yeah... i've done my 2nd stage of my mini album for the Artz De Scrap Project. It's not finished yet but you can always check on the current progress @ Art-Addict
this is it for now...will update u soon.... hugs
Mamamia Show 2008I must now a fan of indonesian reality show (blame my parent for influencing me hehe) especially this Mamamia and Stardut Show..(ehemzz eventho im not a fan of dangdut..) but im sure if u watch them perform...i wud they're indeed much better than the actual singer..... n not even a single star from the A.F can beat them... Especially this girl Williana from Mamamia show and little Riana from Stardut.... + they come up wt the best dresses for their performance...i always steal glances of their fashion....soooo lawa....u shud see...

Williana from Mamiashow (picture taken from Im sure this girl will make a glorious success in the future....she has the potential to be the next Agnes, Krisdayanti or Rossa..even better than them...
for more... pls click
and for my scrapping scrapping updates for mini album project is partly finished....but will only post it sumtimes next week before the dateline alrite....
this is it for now....hugz...
Sneak Peek of Artz De Scrap Mini Album Project
As just gonna post a sneak peek of my mini album project assigned by Artz De Scrap Singapore. So here is my sneak peek of the front lo....

for more infos and details of the project pls keep on checkin back at my blog @