Friday, September 19, 2008
Happy 28th BDAY to Leejah
on 19th September 2008
May Allah bless U with more
A better Life & Future
& May Allah bless our FRIENDSHIP forever! Amin
Mimiey (M.f.Y), Lyna 212, Bibie 155, Lulu Am, Nona, Bibi
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Heart-Breaking News : The loss of Aleida FranklinYesterday i knew about this heart-breaking news through Scrapping The Music
blog. Was shocking reading the news of the loss of Aleida Franklin, one of the Design Team who passed away on 12th September 2008. I didnt have the priviledge to know Aleida personally but my heart is breaking reading the news about her passing away... It was a sad thing that i didnt get to know her at all xcept knowing her as one of the design teams and very kind wt comments on LO we created for each challenge we joined there.... Evenmore reading her very last post in her BLOG
, talking about the lost of lives during the September 11 few yrs ago which she post on 11th September 2008 the day before she passed if knowing we will be losing her too.... how we wish we could have known it earlier....Eventhough it may be too late to know her...but thank god she left us her blog to read back everything she had post.....something that could help us getting to know how a good person she really was...... my sympathy and my hearts goes out to her family esp her kids......sorry for the loss..... im sure this loss has touched everyone's heart esp all the people who have known her thru this scrapbooking world.....
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Monday, September 15, 2008
Sungkai @ Xcapade (13/09/08)Last Thursday (Friday nite) Me, Leejah, the fiance n the sister went for sushi @ Xcapade. Leejah's treat! hehe... Since she knew i'd been craving for sushi since the past 2 weeks but didnt get the chance to have it wt the girls.. We had ordered lots..... including the $40 lobster! :o) More pics will be uploaded soon in my next updates ah...sorry..... connection problem....
updated by;M.f.Y
Friday, September 12, 2008
Scrapping the Music #53Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
This is my take on the STM's challenge #53
For this lo, i used beads to create the title Fun and also one of the flowers. Lot's of circles and paper layers.
The initial LO

2nd LO...cuz i though there was too much spaces below previously... it didn't look balanced.. so i ended up adding more circles...
For more details of the lo pls click HERE
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008
StuckSketches September ChallengeThis is my take for SS-September Challenge. I'd chosen Sketch #55 for my LO. And my subject for this lo is our beloved cat Tommy the garfield size.. The picture was first taken during his first few months living with us.

For further details pls click
Random Pictures: What's in Mimiey's latest collection??
My Stack and pattern papers collection (& some scraps)
Yes! You can call me crazy! Cuz i am really crazy about pattern papers! :O) some of the pattern papers i just bought very recently

Me & Bb decided to buy and share these two stacks and divided equally. And i love the All Dressed Up Collection very much! Very Spectacular design! Im truly in LOVE!

Some Alphabet chipboard and glitter die-cuts... Yummy!
And finally i officially become a Scrappaholic and SC presented me with this gift...
GUESS what's inside?

Yes! Some pretty ribbons to spice up my future LOs :o) Thanks Shabby Chic for the little gift!
Owh.... today (09/09/08) me and BB bought another M.A.C's collection from her sister's sister in law. I was initially to buy just the Foundation which we booked earlier but we couldnt resist the temptation to own the new blusher and eyeshadow with the new packaging...very cute packaging indeed....
alrite...that's it for the updates today... till then..
Cheers ya'all..
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Win-A-Rak's Challenge #2This afternoon, after goin back from work...i made an effort to create another LO for Win-A-Rak's challenge #2. For this LO, we have to use the three colors - Pink, Black and White as the main colors for the LO. I'm not quite sure if we can use other color but i cant resist the need to use Red in some of my alphabets in order to show a little contrast. The title for this LO is "One Sweet Day" and this is especially dedicated to my bestfriend Roai and Kath. Without further words, here is my take for the W-A-R's 2nd challenge.. hope it counts in :o)

TFL everyone... :o)
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thank you
Liza YETfor the Awesome award. Eventho I'm No Superwoman, but i appreciate it for recognizing our blog :o) and
Mine. And I'll nominate these cool ladies who are in my opinion, Superwomen too!
Okay now for the rules of this Superwoman Award:
(1) The winner can put the logo on their blog.
(2) Link the person you received your award from.
(3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
(4) Put links of those on yours.
(5) Leave a message on the blogs of the girls or boys you’ve nominated.
And the awards goes to:
Saturday, September 6, 2008
IT's My LIFE (Scrapping The Music's Challenge #52) glad that i've been pretty productive this week. It has been a while since i last joined the STM's challenge. I like the Title for this challenge. "It's My Life" <-- simply about me and of course my friendship with my closed friends. So here's my take on this challenge:
The Journalling says:
Life is loved with Friendship,
FRIENDSHIP is loved with Understanding
And I'm glad the Friendship truly give me such a Wonderful Life
for more details on this LO pls visit @ Art-ADDiCT
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"Little Purse Album" (Artz De Scrap September Challenge)
This is my take on Artz De Scrap September Challenge, in which we are asked to create a little purse album based on the August Tutorial. I enjoyed creating this one. Below is what i had come up with:

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Category Stories -"Guilty Pleasure" (September Challenge)I've been motivated to do more LOs this week...due to my new available paper stacks.. :o)... So i am determined to join the Category Stories' September Challenge for the very first time. :o) I've always been following their updates all this while.. but only decided to join their challenge now... For this month challenge, they want us to create a LO based on their previous titles.. so this is kind of givin us the chance to create any of their previous challenge which we have missed so far... And i've chosen the title Guilty Pleasure for my first CS' LO. And I'm quite satisfied with the result.. :o).. So here's my take:
My usual Subject ever: Little Aqil (Isn't he such a guilty pleasure?)p/s: there's a correction on the journalling. i forgot to put "make" before mistakes.. :o) anyway here...the journalling says:"When You Make Mistakes, You tend to forget the guilt...Bcoz, sometimes it's fun Breaking the house rules" <-- only applied to babies :o) hehe...For further details on the LO, i will upload more pics on it @Art-AddiCttill then...cheers ya'allupdated by;M.f.Y
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
OLW Word Up Challenge #34 "CHOOSE"As promised...i will try to do more LOs this week..(esp...since i've got my new "BRIGHT" Stacks)'s my take on OLW word up challenge entitled "CHOOSE"
The journalling says:
"CHOOSE - to LIVE with FRIENDSHIP, To LOVE and have FUN, To LAUGH and share the good MEMORIES"
I will upload more of the process details in my personal blog anytime soon.... will update ya soon...
Sorry for the delay. Nonna treated us, Am, Mimi & I at Excapade Sushi, Gadong last 29th August 2008. We had so much fun talking and joking around. Had a great time that night.
Thanks for the treat, Nonna.
Nonna, Mimi, Bibie & Am

One & Nonna.
Nice knowing you, one.
p/s: Mimi & Am, I copy & paste this post from my personal blog. hehehe
Love always, Shopaholic
Monday, September 1, 2008
My 2nd Art De Scrap Project -I know this is a little late to post my work. Especially the fact that i only started making it on saturday nite since i only received the felt (6"x6") posted by Liza Yet last week i think... it's quite simple...i used the felt as the picture frame.
Btw, Last saturday afternoon i went to Shabby chic mall with lyna to do some scrap shopping...hehe my plan was to buy papers only but also ended up buying colorful button brads which only cost me $11.90 i think, stitched tape (i dunno wat it's called) but we got to get discount for it..from $13+ reduced to $8+ only...yeay!, I even bought colorful eyelets (eventho i kno i hardly used this...but i hope i will soon), and 9 new papers..... one of it used for the above project..check out the colorful cut-out circular shapes.....
Yesterday story:
We went to Miri. Leejah actually fetched me up around 7+am... but we had to fetch her fiance first in KB before we actually left for Miri at 8:30-9am? i dun really remember tho..hehe i didnt check the time cuz i was so sleepy the whole morning..i felt asleep along the journey... eventho Leejah played the My Girl dvd in the car.. (i only slept at 4:30am earlier.... so didnt have enuff sleep)... I think we arrived Miri around 11+ am? rite? and spent about 2 and 1/2 hrs at Imperial mall... we left for parkson around 3pm i think.... and also did a little shopping at the toys world and bookstore... haha....i got funny story.... about my "Pretty striped Bag!!" ... nantitah ceta... :o).. Below are the list of stuff i bought yesterday in Miri....
1. Maxis Top ups (rm30) <-- it was a must!
2. Jeans (the same jeans ive always been wearing...i need a new one of the same pattern n design..haha) and it was very cheap...usual price rm90 and i got to buy it half price...yeay! (rm45)
3. Cleo Magazine (rm10.50)
4. turtle earrings (rm7)
5. Scrapbook magazine (rm29) & Another interior magazine (rm15)
6. Pendragon Book 7- The Quillance Games (finally..i found it...after a year of searching for it! they don't have it in Brunei... and it's very cheap in toysworld bookstore only cost me rm15.90)
7. Colorful Striped bag from Toysworld and bookstore (rm39.90)
8. Creamy white shoes from E&E ..i like!!! very much! (rm69.90)
9. Foods shopping (KFC)
10. Stationary shopping (rm71.90)
i think total spending lastnite was around B$120 only..hehe.... but...haha...i didnt get to buy shoes and bags for planning catu..lain tah plg haha....
ill post stuff i bought in my next post ah.....
this is it for the update now.... b.b.s
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