Thursday, October 30, 2008
Hello babes & readers, it has been awhile I didn't do any updates on this blog..No LO from me as yet..Just want to share this..I've bought a pair of crocs today at Crocs's sole distributor in Brunei. It's located in KB. I heard about it not so long ago from a friend but only got the chance to go there today with Mommy & Has. Here are the pics:
Crocs shop at Kg. Pandan 7, Shop No. 23 & 24

Ofcourse, it should be one,
I will buy crocs with holes so that I can decorate it with lots of jibbitz..

It is ergonomic & comfortable foot wear..
bagus utk jalan2..My friend, Has's B'day is coming soon and I'm currently doing her birthday SB skills are a bit rusty..hehehe will post it when I'm done yeah..
I guess..til here for now. Cheers!
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Another little give away from InspiredbyAmelieJust click on the this blinkie 
to choose and copy their blinkies and share n link them in your blog... + this blog is quite worth-viewing n reading.... lots of beautiful creations n goodies to drool on... :o)updated by;M.f.Y
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
OLW Word Up #38 - I.M.A.G.I.N.EYes!! Finally i did it as i said earlier :o) And here's my final LO for the OLW #38 Imagine
focusing on the journalling:
if u still can't read, it says; "Only when I imagine, I feel like i'm living in a perfect life; & only when I imagine, I can feel your presence.."
for more details of this Lo, pls visit my personal artblog @ HEREupdated by;M.f.Y
Imagine Life (Dg LO edited using CS3)
Dg sketch for my upcoming LO for the OLW's Imagine word not sure if ill stick to this tho lol..just playing around wt my CS3....will update soon... (hopefully by tonite)l.o.v.e;
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
BLOG CANDY Give-Away! (Eyelet Candy)
Good news! Everyone who loves eyelet may get the chance to win this tons of eyelets for free! Cool treat from Kristin Hubick. To get the chance to win this big treat pls visit HEREfor more details...I'm so excited!! hope to win! lol... fingers cross!updated by;M.f.Y
HOPES & DREAMSThis is my latest journal sketch i made lastnite after finished doin my SS' LO. I called this Hopes & Dreams. Part of the journalling were taken from my bestfriend's previous letter..i love the journalling so much...i applied watercolor medium to give the sense of hopes n dreams.. :o) and this is dedicated to my bestfriend.
The initial sketch using calligraphy pen
in watercolor medium
The journalling; I'll be there for as long as u need me (actually u can bear), like an old stripped upthere...
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Monday, October 27, 2008
StuckSketches- Sketch #61Yeah! Finally! I was inspired to scrap tonite. Hehe... I went to ShabbyChic this afternoon after my meeting at the MOE... Initially, i didnt intend to buy anything..just to browse around wat's new....but i ended up drooling over the new Chipboard by the Fancy pants, as well as, the blossoms n buttons by MME....and the papers! hehe..but i had to limit myself from buying more papers since i still have stacks of papers at home... so i only bought 5 different new ones... anyway...below is my LO for the Stucksketches #61. Finally! yes! i kno someone's been longing to see more los here...sorryyyyyyyyyyyy babes...... we've been so busy wt works...esp the fact that ill be even busier starting this 4th-20th november for the marking weeks! Not even a single day off!! YES!! the money is good!! but the fact that i hav to go to work everyday from monday to sunday til 5pm...that doesnt sound interesting... believe's much more stressful than teaching the students....
so here it is:
the initial LO
B.f.f (featuring me n Ejah)
focusing on the Journalling :o)
Below i've done a slight change to the lo...i thought the color was a bit i thought of scraplift it using different pattern paper for the background... so this is the final layout!

this is it for now..till then..
cheers y'all.. muahss
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Bie...check this out! cool ah! lawaaaa

for more details pls click HERE
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Another Winning LO on Scrapping The Music!Wuhoooooo!!! I guess....this cud hav been my month! lol... I won another challenge on STM's #56! Tide is high! cool...just checked the blog..and only found out about it today.... entering the Hall of fame again lol..didnt expect to win it tho... but anyway...thanks STM for choosing my LO! i really appreciate it....xoxo! check out the Hall of fame's gallery HERE is my recent sketch journals. Was inspired to skecth for my dearest fren Epy cuz he loves my artwork n always wanted me do something for here it goes...and also my very own self portrait skecth journal....(not quite done yet tho..havent done much journalling there...but will do soon...)
MySelfPortrait Sketch Journalp/s: i will only start scrap another LOs tonite...hopefully.... be patient :P the the rest of the babehs....girls!!! SCRAP!!!!!!!! hahahhaa..... we need to raya n scrap...wer to? hehe Bibie's? :Pmore updates soon...cyaxoxo;M.f.Y
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
COOL Modern BATIK Design & Reasonable Price...Found out about this Batik Fabrics bsness frm Terengganu thru my collegue...u shud try to have a look....Variety of choices to drool on........ U will be tempted to buy them.....esp for those who are planning to go to malaysia... (not me ah..ahahaha)check out: Ann's Batik Collectionor just click on the lowest link found on the More Shoppes at ur left screentill then,cheers all...xoxo;M.f.Y
Monday, October 13, 2008
My Winning LO @ Category Stories September Anniversary challengeYeay babes! I just found out my LO won the challenge! Just checked out the blog lastnite...I had to ensure it was had 4 different sponsors for the anniversary i feel a little bit lucky to b one of the chosen LO..yeay! A big thanks to CS for choosing my lo.... :o)
This is the winning LO! one of my im pleased wt it...
"Guilty Pleasure"
& below are some photos of yesterday open house and at BB's crib wt the babehs :o)
From left: Lulu Froggy, Lyna Fish, Bb heart, Mimiey turtle

@ my crib (12/10/2008) (with Balong & Lenshong)

@ Bb's crib from left Bb, Nona, Me, Leejah
more pics will be upload..sorry connection saja...
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
Open House Invitation

I was once addicted to Photo Editing..and still do....and even more inspired when i looked thru my friend Epy's work.....owhhhh he's sooooooooooooooooooo GOOD innit! i want to learn more.... and i was bored at work while waiting for my next teaching periods so i ended up creating some GWs.... so here they are:

more GWs, LOs, Raya Pics to be uploaded soon....l.o.v.e;M.f.Y
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Some ATCs & other Random stuff7 Dreams

Live & Hope
LO Specially made for Tetty
STM #56 "Tide is High"
Yeay!! finally!!! i got it done.... after such a long here i am with my new LO on Scrapping The Music's challenge #56.... sorry for the long waiting readers...hehe esp to maya who kept on requesting for updates :P hehehe....this is dedicated to u :P hehe....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sorry for the M-I-A everyone...and for the late greetings...

will update soon..... (p/s: no LOs for the time being....hehe we're having our break for a while)