Sunday, December 28, 2008
KL - We're In LOVE!Heyyyyy babes! Me n leejah had safely arrived in KL around 11pm but delayed by our luggage and only left the airport before 12 if im not mstaken. One thing i didnt like about the arrival was to find out my luggage was opened...luckily my laptop was still in it..My Name tag which i had beautifully scrapped earlier in Brunei had gone missing...siot!!!! Anyway we reached at Damansara around 12:45pm, our taxi driver dropped us at the 24/7 MacDonald since my friend's PA pick us up there... He only arrived around 1+ so we had times to get our late supper (is that what we call it?) We're currently staying at Perdana View, around Damansara Perdana..very near to IKEA and The CURVE!!! Heee siok! we love his apartment view too! Tell u...his apartment is at higher level so we can see the view from here....very beautiful..esok tah ku snap the photos ah.... Cant mention whose house we're staying at..but babehs..u know where rite..hehe... it's for our security! lol :P~ Honestly bie..siokkkk!!! owh owh we love his apartment too........owhh..we know wer Que Haider's house too! lol....sapa minat?? haha...
anyway im off to bed soon..we'll be checking in at 1st world hotel OU, Damansara tomorrow afternoon! huhu..cant wait for the Shopping marathon! I need to get my Nike Women Shox Deliver first! i hope it's cheap! lol Fingers cross!
sign off from Perdana View, Damansara;M.f.Y
Friday, December 19, 2008
Little Something for my Babehs
My holiday mood is filled wt my my xcitement n desire to create something for my babehs here. And im so glad this blog has brought us all closer and closer eventhough we dont meet everyday. It has been almost a year since we decided to create this blog and we are so glad that we found this new hobby of scrapbooking....all started because of this blog. And i really appreciate and glad that we've become very closed friends and i hope this friendship last forever...Amin... HUGS!

10ooo HITS -blog candy giveaway!YES! Our blog SHEBABE @ TheBABEHS is about to reach the 10000 hits! (we only started blogging there since march 2008) And we will be giving away some blog CANDY to 1 lucky reader/visitor as our appreciation! Yes! We're being generous! Cuz that means our blog is internationally recognized by bloggers/readers from all around the world! And thanks to all the people from the scrapbooking world to make it such a one of the blogs to be followed everyday (eventhough we dont update everyday!). To enter the chance of winning this blog CANDY (we will give a sneak peek of it soon in the future!) , all you have to do is take a snapshot of your signature picture saying " SheBABE @ The Babehs ROCKS!" (with yourself holding it of coz..or u can wear a mask if u wanna stay Anonymous hoho...) but you have to post it on ur blog and link it to us until 31st December 2008. We will choose the best pose! and if we have a difficulty in choosing one...we will cast a vote! Pls spread the news too... if u dont have any idea what's Signature picture means...check out this below:
p/s: We will reveal the winner by the time we reach 10000 Hits! (hopefully by the first week of January 2009 once we're back from our holiday vacation :o) )So readers! Get your camera ready and give your best signature picture!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
From Left to Right:
1. Qaiyum requested a 'Conan' of Detective Conan cartoon bookmark.
2. Qawi's bookmark
3. & 4. My Wedding Journal bookmarks..
That's all for now.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Just sharing the good news... my big bro's wife Ana just gave birth to a baby girl this evening around 9pm (16th december 2008) :P but too Bro,is currently not in Brunei to witness the happy moment! He just flew to KL this morning to accompany his students for the Robotic Competition in UITM Shah Alam KL. It's really unexpected la cuz the due date supposed to be next yr sometimes in 1st week of January. So it's kinda too early. She was just doin fine this morning before she left for her family home. And in the afternoon, we received a call that she had a sudden pain so they brought her to the hospital and the Dr told them that she was ready to give birth.. I just texted up my bro this evening..i kno he was kinda happy but also sad that he cudnt be there during the delivery....anyway Congratz Bro! we have new member in the family! yeay...and finally a niece! :o) Hope my little nephew wont be jealous of her later... lol..(he's currently asleep...under my care!) that's it for now.... will update soon wt more scrappin project! Hopefully before i leave for our long holiday vacation to KL :P~
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
Mini Album book for Sweet Sister Lea:o) What else can i say...i just cant stop scrapping! I'm just being generous with all the sweet people im gonna meet soon in KL! of them will be my sweet sister lea who wants me to create a scrapbook for her... so here it is... notice the picture which i had used in my previous lo..and decided to scraplift it..cuz i seriously think the previous lo was just too messy and not suitable for a i created this instead. Lea..u can insert more papers by uself ok? hehe... just cut out the papers based on the flower shape :o) so excited wt what i'd done so far! + the thought of comin to KL soon is just very inspiring! :o) So here it is! For lea~

Next will be a little gift for my bestest kl friend Zaza who have always been my loyal company everytime im in KL! + since i didnt come for her engagement day last it will be my little engangement gift for her.. (better late than never rite za? :P) owh i miss za too! will see u soon too!
p/s: just feel like sharing..look what i've collected so far in the NKS (nescafe Kickstart!)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wall Hanger Gift for Melanie (Scrapmojo Challenge #27)Have i told you i've been such a productive scrapper since the past few days? + im so in the mood of holiday...i feel like it's the right time to lay my fingers on my scrapping stuff! And Yes! Im so excited and looking fwd to meet up with my bestfriend Melanie in Damansara KL Soon! Yes! Soon in 2 weeks time! Just imagine! We havent met since i left UK! which means 6 yrs!! And 10yrs+ for Leejah too! So we're kind of excited! This is like a little reunion for us three! How i wish the rest of the PR girls (Power rangers! our sec-school group lol!) could join us! Cant wait to update wt her! We will surely snap more pics this time! Mel!! I truly miss your company!! See you soon... Along with this excitement, id decided to not just meet Mel with empty hand! But i've finished creating this little wall frame hanger (whatever it may seem! :P), she can even put her photo inside the journal frame. It's up to her! And since she's celebrating id created a christmas tree as tried my best to decorate the tree but i dun want to overdo it.. entering this to the Scrapmojo Challenge #27 as here's my take:

The initial. Before decorating more wt title and journallings (i did this last nite! and only putting the title n journalling this afternoon)
The final product! The frame with the journalling inside...she can insert her photo in it too if she want!
This is it..more to come! ;o)
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
MORE BLOG CANDY GIVE-AWAY!!Dont you just love the chance to win the Blog Candy Give-Away! Cuz i do! Visit CLAIRE's to win a chance! So much candies to win! I repeat! she just being way too generous! + She has created such inspiring cards there! have a look!updated by;M.f.Y
SIC's December Challenge!Finally i made an effort to join the SIC's December challenge. No Squares as mentioned! So i decided to make a heart shape! :o) Something that i can hang! Hence a car hanger or wall hanger? or wherever i can hang it! hehe... Here is my take on this challenge! I love the final product! Dont u? :P~ i think i will do more of these in the future... bah order? order? :P~ haha
"LOVE Me!"
I so love my tree!
my mushroom!
And my Cloud! :op
And finally...let's hang it!

Can't believe im such a productive lady today! haha..the power of love! Im so truly inspired! And thanks to Regiane for all her inspiring LOs!
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Monday, December 8, 2008
LO for cousin Eyam
My cousin had requested me to do a LO for her since raya..and i had only started on it jus now. It's very simple, did it on a 8"x8" size. Using my left-over scrap papers.So here it is.

i still have another pic of the other guy (my cousin's fren) to scrap, which i was hesitated to do so , honestly.. cuz i dunno him well... lol :o i think i better get it done as soon as possible so i dun hav to feel like... berjanji or berhutang....which i seriously didnt at all.... lol...
p/s: im so not comfortable about it...
this is it for today... Salam AidilAdha every1~updated by;M.f.Y
Saturday, December 6, 2008
LO for Ateelia (Ed's Sketch December challenge)
Yeay! finally im done with another LO for Ateelia as promised and i used Ed's December Sketch for this lo. So im entering this for the december challenge (my first take ever on Ed's sketch challenge) ...adik Lea...hope u dont mind dear hehe.... anyway as promised this is for u..hope u like it...check out the butterfly! since i kno u love butterfly so much..there u go... HUGZ!

this is it for now..... will update soon...
Friday, December 5, 2008
MySpace Altered Box (For Artz-De-Scrap December Challenge) Yeay! Finally my scrap project is done! hehe... I started it last nite and had a break for few hrs out fishing wt leejah at hemm i dunno wat the place called... i didnt actually was leejah who tried her luck...haha i guess she really has the luck! :P we just stopped by there for an hr rite jah then drove back home since i promised my mom i wud be back before 11pm. Anyway as soon as i got back..i continued workin on this altered box and only finished it this afternoon.... i was a little lost last nite.... didnt want to overdoing i left it lying on my floor last nite and continued this afternoon...just adding some embellishment...and i thought i need to do something wt the empty i created a mini pot and cut off some grass/leaves-like shapes...hence... a pot of leaves? lol.... watever it's called la ah..hehe..anyway here's my final product! hope u like it...tho it's not that smart... ahhaa... i wud add some frame stand at the back of this's gonna be like a stand framed box? <--is that how u call it kah bie?
p/s: this is actually a vincci shoe i altered it! cool jua ah... btw...this is inspired by "> Regiane's
im always a big fan of her...she's such an inspiration!

this is it for now...cant wait to work on my next lo for my beloved sis lea.... ;o) as promised dear! see u soon in KL!
xoxo, updated by;
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sneak Peak of My Current Project

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
WHAT I HAVE TO SHAREThanx to Alin for the Tagged, here's my take:“The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer.”
1. The Age of my next birthdaY

2. A place I'd like to travel to
3. A favorite place
4. A favorite thing

6. A favorite color

7. The city I live in

8. The city I was born in-

9. A nickname I had (during high skool dat is)
(No! it's not Burung! It's the name of the Bird! Figure out urself! :p)
10. college major

11. Name of first (and only) love -
(hehe.....)12. A bad Habit

fuhhhhhhhhh...i had a hard time to choose who to tag...
Good luck ya all!
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Made this LO for my friend, Azleffa. I challenge myself to use B&W pics and no flower emblishments...Hope she likes it...

~The End~
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