Friday, January 30, 2009
Look what i've got yesterday while goin shopping with Bibie in Knick Knack Plaza Atirah yesterday... a Japanese brand frm Australia (i think that's what the staff Very cute..and the fact that it sounds like my juice's cute ah... yg cutenya the doll laa....
i think i would like to start collecting this cuties esp when i browsed for the website..they've got more pretty stuff there....wuhoo.... cute!!! haha they even have names for all the different characters of the dolls... heeee i want all!!
and this is what i've bought yesterday the make-up bag... and the kimmidoll keychain...

and the name of my keychain kimmidoll is "
MIO" cute....
next on my list..i want Yume, Toki, Masako, Nanami, Miyuki, Kiyoko, Keiko, Hiroko, Etsumi, Choya, Ami (she's cute!), Chou (nice dress!), Aya (very cute too)....
p/s: so girls.. for my nx bday ah...find these dolls for me :P~ haha...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Look What I've found more on AH??Haha...u can call me INSANE for never stop talking about Avalon High and indeed i tried to dig out more on the sequel if there's seems there is..xcept it's in comic i wish Meg comes up wt the sequel story.... but anyway... guess what i've found out thru my research just now...hehhee..... remember i said i wish they do have the movie version..did i mention it in my previous post? or was it somewhere else..hehe but anyway...this is what i found from my google search....

YES!! AVALON HIGH (MOVIE/SERIES?? I'M STILL NOT SURE BUT IM GONNA FIND OUT SOON!!) Goshh!! I'm goin insane!! ahahhaha.... i want to watch this!!! Look at Will Waigner the reincarnated King Arthur with the blue eyes!! Forget Twilight!!! :P~
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Where on Earth is King Arthur from?
(How on earth can i resist this cool hard cover design?? :P + i never failed judging a book by it's cover hahhaha...)
hahhaa..... guess...i'm truly falling for the book id just finished reading. Avalon High by Meg Cabot. I know it's not really a new novel by Meg...but im glad i had made the right choice when i saw the hard cover when i was browsing for new books to read in KL... Love the cover.... and the logo... let alone the so-called "Dont judge the book by it's cover" cuz it rawks as much as the content! This is a story about the reincarnation of King Arthur.... a long-ago legend comes to new life in this tale of love triangle, a medieval sword and a totally awesome pool raft... all i can say is....this whole thing make me wanna know about King Arthur even more... lol.. and they even came up wt the comic for this book! I wonder if there's any chance that the local bookstores have it? lemme kno pls..... i wont say much... but it's highly recommended to read! you will fall in love with the so-called Arthur character! :o)
And below is someone's review on this book i found thru internet..just to support my opinion on this book:
Avalon High is definately a novel you can read over and over and over again. Meg Cabot has successfully taken a classic tale, modernized it and given it a few cliches. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves romance and fantasy. Avalon High is also very humourous and I found myself trying to keep from bursting into hysterical fits of laughter at 12:00 o'clock a.m. My rating? A gazillian gold stars!
-Reviewed by Jocelyn
Sunday, January 25, 2009
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!Hey...firstly, we would love to greet all the chinese in Brunei n anywhere else in the world a Happy Chinese New Year.
Today we had our scrapping session at Lulu's crib and also our cooking session (our special Indomie masak cuka :P Lulu's style and my sambal belacan goreng as requested by Bibie).And I ended up making this:

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Friday, January 23, 2009
EMBRACE (OLW's word Up #43)
As promised last nite....i made an effort again to at least scrap one LO this afternoon... and decided to take the challenge by
OLW on word up#43 :
EMBRACE. Love the the fact that the word is such a big word to define... to me Embrace means to get hold of something and never to let it go... It's only when we embrace our life...we find the true meaning of life... and it's only when we embrace life we found love...and it's when we embrace our love, we will find our happiness with the people we love....
so here's my take:

The journalling says: "It's only when I embrace life..i found love and only when I embrace love, i found my happiness..."
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Scrappin Mode!
Finally...i was in the mood of scrappin....made myself an effort to create two cards based on the Card Pattern (Design Team call)'s sketch and also the latest Sketch-4-u's. I had fun eventho i personally lack of mojo.....after such a long time of break.... Seriously i do feel my soul is still in KL... lol... i wish i cud hav just buy more scrappin stuff at the scrap-haven... anyway here's my takes on both sketches:
that's it for tonite.... hope to scrap more tomorrow... (fingers-crossed! hehe)
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Papers Give-AWAY!!!Wanna win some? Visit her blog @
HERE for a chance to win all those pretty papers... dont u love it? cuz i do! Spread some words! Who knows u'll be one of the luckiest blogger...
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
PB TEEN FURNITURE N STUFFS!Hey... no updates on SB yet..but i just feel like sharing this online shopping website on furniture n stuff i found today. Check this out @ PBTEEN
I'm so hooked up with all the stuff they got there...from the furniture to the polka dot table cute... how i wish it's local so i can drive myself off to the shop and pick up all the stuff i've been eyeing on so anyway below are some of the stuff i love...

this is it....
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Artz-De-Scrap Mini RAKs give-away!
Artz de Scrap is giving away some mini raks to 15 lucky readers/visitors.. I've always loved to join their challenge whenever i have free time. The designer team are very friendly..and very welcoming....their challenge ideas are also very creative and inspiring.... check out their blog at
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cool Blog! Check this out! Suburban kids with arabic namesfound bout this blog from someone's page...and im truly impressed with this modern artwork!
owh btw...u r invited to our art exhibition in Huaho Mall (Petani mall, Tutong) organized by the co-curriculum. Two of my previous artworks are currently on display. It will be on display until this friday. Support our artworks! lol...
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Saturday, January 10, 2009
1st world Hotel Lobby , Damansara Utama (love this hotel!sure i will come back here! eventho it's quite expensive...)Yeay!! Happy New Year! It was snowing! hahahaha Serious! (LOL)
Early morning pose by the chocolate stall @ KLCC while waiting for Bibie to arrive (1st January 2009) FCUK! @ KLCC

The Lake Garden KLCC (i dunno what they called this place ...hehe)
Leejah, me n Bibie.. greetings from KLCC
With my best KL friend Zaza (in black) & her friend Diha (wt tudong) @Nandos Sungei Wang
Early morning shopping @ TimeSquare before Bibie officially left KL :P~ (2nd January 2009)With a female clown @TimeSquare..cute ah..
Last day in KL before luggage...and i had 20kg xs which cost me rm330! lol
Sad...sad...i miss KL!
there's more actually..but im tired uploading ahaha... so this is it..
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Home Sweet Home!
Hey every1!! sorry for the late updates! Still gearing up from the holiday mood! haha very tiring laaa this first week of working days! Honestly i've been pretty lazy during my working days....sleepy n demotivated wt the fact that i miss KL! haha (ehemz... + him! hahaha awuuu dehhh aku ngakun! i miss my juice... :P~)
Our KL Trip was fun and memorable! Esp our New year celebration wt Bibie n Leejah.... how we wish the rest of the babes were around too.... tsk tsk.... but anyway we do had fun! Bkt Bintang was Happening!!!! But it felt like we're surrounded by mostly Chinese and Indian n Westerners! I hardly spot the malays...ada but i guess...the chinese community shrinked the malays haha..... i must agree wt my juice words! "melayu tak byk celeb kat kl mimiey!!" lol... but anyway it was really a memorable new yr celebration..... eventho we almost missed the countdown pasal luan kesiokan begmbr ahahhaa..inda sadar2 hahaha... sorry i will only upload the kl pics nx time ah..... inda tekarih.... but for the meantime..i'll show my Scrap purchase from Scrap Heaven 1 Utama Damansara.... luckily i came across wt that shop... so many scrappin stuff... cheap...but i was trying to limit my budget on it cuz i wanted to shop on other stuff.... (i was aiming for my Nike Women Shox Deliver which i thought would cost me almost rm500...but sadly they havent got that latest edition yet..... sighhhhh) and i bought about 10 ribbons frm Tangs Pavillion! siokkkk!!! the ribbons i wanted to get wt bibie frm the company itself but we didnt get the chances to go there.... anyway here are my purchase on my scrappin stuff n ribbons...huhu...
My purchase frm Scrap Heaven, 1 Utama
My ribbons from TANGS, Pavillion! owhhhh heaven!!!
and i guess im just very lucky to have a very kind senior collegue (who happened to be my former teacher) tcr Norafidah...she got me few scrapbookin stuff frm Philippines...hehe surprise! surprise...huhu....xcited...
This is it for now... will update soon wt our kl pics...sorry gurls im still bz wt my schemes n lesson notes n reports and i mite be joining the Art exhibition in Hua ho mall tutong nx come over! :o)