Thursday, February 26, 2009
Reproduction of Art!
Since the past 2 weeks, I've been giving a class tutorial on reproduction of art work to my students. I've chosen Van Gogh's work as an example to give them an idea of this project, but they need to do a research on all the list of Art styles and artists in the notes given and choose their most favorite style and art work by famous artist in the 19th and 20th century. And they were then asked to reproduce the artwork, using the same style in any color medium that they are comfortable working with and be able to apply the style in their next project. So here's just a snapshot of one of my sketch's pages. For more details, pls visit my personal art blog @ ART-ADDiCT 
p/s: Sorry for late update on my artblog :P~
til then,
Cheers Y'all!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Proudly present our official logo (sorry not smart yet ah! check it out!)
Eyes On Yoo!
My boredom's proven!xoxo;
Monday, February 23, 2009
A date is finally set for The Babehs Picnic i.e. on Sunday, 1st March 2009. The collection is $15 per person (to be paid to Lulu_Am by Saturday, 28th February.) This saturday, will be the groceries shopping day. I will make the list of what to buy/ bring for the picnic.
Til here.
Lots of L.O.V.E,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, 24th February 2009 will be The Babehs a.k.a Shebabe's First Anniversary. Last year, we commemorated the beginning of The Babehs with a simple picnic at Seri Kenangan, this year we will have another one..Mimi has suggested Friday, 27th February 2009. Is everybody fine with Friday 27th? Therefore, we need to finalize the day & time before we make the necessary arrangements for the picnic.
Lots of love,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Babehs Would love to wish our beloved Lyna Fish a very Happy Bday
on the 21st Feb 2009
May Allah bless you with more Happiness and Great Success! Amin!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
CS3-ing~I was bored....i wanted to scrap but im just too lazy to start on a new LO + no Mojos yet! Hence, i ended up doing some CS3 work! So here it is what i'd created just now...

Created just now (17th February 2009)
Created yesterday (16th February 2009)
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Monday, February 16, 2009
THE BABEHS @ SHEBABE 1 YR ANNIVERSARYThis coming 24th February 2009 will be our 1 Yr anniversary of TheBabehs clan and also exactly a year of creating this blog. I'd like to wish my Babehs happy 1 yr anni babes! May our friendship lasts longer...(forever sampai ke anak cucu cicit haha sehingga ada keturunan ketani ahahahhaa)
Luv u all babes!
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Boredom ~+ Free times = Artwork

I was bored at work while waiting to go i ended up creating this photoshop work... hehe i had downloaded latest brushes just now..i love them..will create more..sorry no scrapwork updates yet :P
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Saturday, February 7, 2009
HANDMADE JEWELLERIES by Riqzmie CreationJust feel like sharing, thanks to Riqzmie for dropping by and sharing ur shoppingblog wt us. Quite impress with your works...hopes everyone will take a look at her creations... really impressive...who knows u may find your favorite there and can order directly from her. Feel free to visit her blog
and this is one of my faves i think i may like to order .. :o)
The Bangle
She also created pendants rite? i wonder if u can make me a turtle pendant?
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SHEBABE@TheBABEHS bannerhye everyone.. i've created our banner for you to link it up in ur blog/website. Feel free to copy the url below:

the pic url: our url of course:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Updates!Hey..jus a random updates on what ive been doin for this week so far... I'd created 2 purse albums so far for my cca tutorial on purse album based on Artzdescrap's previous tutorial. These are what ive come up wt:

I'll upload the other purse album soon...since i cudnt transfer it to my laptop lol...something wrong wt my bluetooth connection....updated by;