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THE BABEHS@SheBABE@blogspot.com ♥
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm supporting this!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another tray of LOVE~

I made another tray of my Oreo Choco truffles yesterday wt more almond bits for the crumbs.. :o)

Glad my collegues loved them! tho not every1 cud get a taste of it....hehe first come first serve... i need more time to make more truffles..... ;o)

And since today afternoon i hav no class and im free but since it has been very badly hazy lately , i plan to just stay at home making another , new recipe..of Choco Pretzel Candies/Turtles (if i managed to find the pretzels later)...will update u wt the outcomes yeah... lets pray for the success~ \(^_^)/

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oreo Chocolate Truffles ~ Success!!

Happy sunday every1... jus feel like staying home saja and ive been wanting to make these chocolate truffles since last week..n only dcided to make it real today..since sum1's bday's comin soon..so i need a trial dlu...make it's successful n yg penting confirmed nyaman..and yeahhh it is..(perhaps to me it is..since it tastes more like brownies hahaha brownies truffles that is! haha xcept it's oreos...hehe )

My collegues Ref n Peng's hinting to taste it since they noticed my status in FB...ehemzzz....yeahhhh of coz it's about making oreo chocolate truffles obviously......i just feel that i need a self-therapy that's much more worthed to do for...+ ive been sooooo rajin to make the giftbox too haha...... xcited~!! hehe...

anyway this is it for now..i better get my shower now hehee ehemzz it's already almost 2pm hahahaha.. :P~ may b im heading to the airport tonite since my mom told me my bro's flyin to Brazil tonite...but not sure wat's the vacation for...works or just holiday....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Little Rockstar & Bday giftbox

Hey every1..sorry for the late update again... Been very busy wt works lately...n to the babehs sorry jua for the M.I.A due to xtra works at home....been working under pressure...esp now...the O'level xm is around the corner......so i just spend most of my free times at home "Tdur" n main game...haha.... blame the Farmtown...im just sooooooo addicted to it....i think i can just sit down in front of my screen watching my farm without having to worry bout my dinner time :P~

Anyway... finally i went out yesterday wt Leejah, just kan sampaikan hajat...but before that i went out for my hair therapy ;o) and eyebrow's pluckin and then quick shopping for my little nephew n niece at the huaho...and also bought this cute stool for my Scrappin corner....lawa ah?? it only cost $9.90 for the promotion price (usual price: $16.90)...
then fetched up Leejah and drove straight to Gdg 4 Sushi (since i've been craving for it since the past few mths....finally...hehe) and finally to the Mall to buy some scrapping stuff...hehe i m soooo happy wt my scrap purchase...it has been a while since i last spent @ SC....i spent around $69 yesterday..got myself the alphabets stamp, chipboards, thickers, more papers and ehem Buttons! i love buttons!

and we also watched the movie "The Proposal"! Highly recommended! Sweet n funny! i wud love to buy the dvd too..haha.... i actually wanted to watch Harry Potter since im a big fan of HP but Leejah already watched it n no one responded to my hint on it so owhhh well..just forget bout it..i might just buy the dvd (which of course ends up inda ku meliat tu.....) but anyway The Proposal is one of my M.T.W's list...so yeah.... no regrets at all!!

And last nite i finally scrapped again... just feeling in the scrapping mood...so i ended up scrapping late nite while waiting for the midnite call......no need to mention hehe.... so here's wat i did last nite... 2 very satisfying outcomes... ;o)

a LO on my little Rockstar;

& this one below is a sneak peek of a bday giftbox for sum1's bday soon.... got the idea frm DebeeCampos' work..so credit goes to HER

this is it for now;
Wednesday, July 22, 2009


finally im updating..... ;o)

Yeay! another LO for July! This is my take for STM's july song "If today was my last day"... i love the song...one of the moments that i wud cherish n enjoy most is being around my best girl friends.... n every other moments that makes me happy...;o) yes u u u u~
p/s: for more details of this LO pls click HERE

And more LOs done previously sometimes in this or last week....

You make me BELIEVE~ :o)

H.A.PP.Y colors = HAPPY Me! \(-_*)/ Yeah!
Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello guys..

For the past 2 weeks, we have heard and seen mind blowing news "happening' in our beloved country. Chronologically, it all started when His Majesty the Sultan himself 'turun padang', literally going into the field to plant our first 'LAILA'. I wish i was there participating beside His Majesty. That would have been a great moment in my life.
Then we saw His Majesty briefing the high and above (we knew them better with the title VVIP) about issues we 'little' people had tried to express before. Then shortly afterward on His Majesty 63rd birthday titah, he showered us with a present that we longed for, the 'pencen' scheme.

The 'pencen' scheme had been a hot topic debated for so long that we almost gave up on it. Eventhough it is not actually the same as the 'old pencen' scheme, personally i am most grateful that it has been implemented again.

With all the worries that we've been through with the AH1N1 pandemic, the news came like the rain in a draught time.

So, i hereby wanted to say "DAULAT KEBAWAH DULI TUAN PATIK". May ALLAH blessed your Highness with prosperity, health and happiness... AMIN YA RABBALAMIN
Yours Truly
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Testing... Hello people..chewah. Testing mengupdate blog nih. I have always wanted to help out updating the blog but didn't know how before. So this is just a trial post.

Yours Truly